The History of Motorcycles


Motorcycles provide an exhilarating ride and offer a unique sense of freedom. Whether you ride to work and back or enjoy the camaraderie of a group ride on weekends, you can experience the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. Motorbikes can easily fit into tight parking spaces and are more fuel efficient than cars.

The earliest known motorcycle was the Michaux-Perreaux steam velocipede that was patented in 1868. Around the same time, an American called Sylvester Roper was constructing steam-powered bicycles and automobiles in Roxbury, Massachusetts. In the late 1860s, a new wave of inventions led to motorcycles with gas engines. German engineer Daimler developed a petrol-powered two-wheeled car with an enclosed drive system in 1885, and his company eventually evolved into the Mercedes-Benz Corporation.

After World War I, the popularity of motorcycles grew as they became essential to military operations. Messengers on horses were replaced by despatch riders on motorcycles, and the vehicles were used for patrolling and reconnaissance. By the end of the war, the American Harley-Davidson was dedicating 50% of its factory production to military contracts.

The best way to stay safe on a motorcycle is to follow state and local laws, be alert for larger vehicles, and always wear a helmet. Also, do not operate a motorcycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These substances affect judgment, balance, coordination, and throttle control, and can make it harder to see hazards or respond quickly to them.