How to Write About Issues in Op-Eds
An issue is a current topic, sometimes controversial, that is under debate. You can also use the word to describe something that is important to a person, such as their career or relationships. For example, a job interview may be an issue for someone. To say that someone has issues is a way to say that they have problems, usually emotional ones.
In the context of journalism, an issue is a story that needs to be reported. For example, a celebrity death or an ongoing conflict could be an issue. A good way to find an issue to write about is to track the news. This way you can take advantage of fresh news pegs and get your article noticed by op-ed editors.
The most successful articles are often those that address an issue that is important to people. They might be personal, humorous or unexpected. If you are writing an article about a hot-button issue, you should be prepared for criticism and hate mail. This is okay as long as your arguments are well-made and you are not attacking any individual personally.
For example, if you are writing an article about the auto industry, you might compare and contrast GM vs Toyota by citing insider conversations and comparing sales figures. You might also make a strong opinion statement, but be sure to back this up with facts and data. By taking a balanced approach, you can help readers see the issue from more than one point of view and make informed decisions.