Automobiles – The Main Mode of Transportation on Land


Automobiles are the main mode of transportation on land. They have four wheels and use an internal combustion engine, usually powered by gasoline (or a similar fuel), to move forward or backwards. The automobile is one of the most universal of modern technologies and is among the world’s largest industries, with more than 73 million cars produced in 2017.

The history of the automobile is a complex story that begins in the 1800s with inventors and engineers working to make electric motors suitable for driving vehicles. Karl Benz is widely credited for inventing the first automobile, but others had been working on these designs earlier.

Until the early 1900s, most of these vehicles were very expensive and only available to wealthy people. Then Henry Ford revolutionized the way these vehicles were made. He realized that if he could use the assembly line, he could produce these cars faster and at less cost. This would allow many more people to afford them.

Nowadays, most people don’t realize how much of our daily lives depend on automobiles. These machines give us the freedom to travel wherever we want and whenever we like. Having our own vehicle allows us to avoid depending on others for rides and gives us more control over our schedules.

Modern life would be impractical, if not impossible, without cars. We drive these vehicles over three trillion miles each year. We need them to go to work and school, run errands, and visit family and friends. They are the most important invention of the 20th century.